Grading the province: A 10-year Report Card

Author: Colin Craig 2008/04/30
  • Taxpayers Federation releases 10-year economic report card of Manitoba

    CTF Report

WINNIPEG: Incoming Manitoba Director for the Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF), Colin Craig released a ten year economic report card on the Province of Manitoba today. The report card evaluated Manitoba's progress in the following categories over the past ten years: growth (real GDP), unemployment rate, personal income taxes, corporate income taxes, dependence on handouts from the federal government and other provinces, debt and government spending.

"Over the last ten years our economy has grown below the provincial average" said Colin Craig, incoming Manitoba Director for the CTF. "We've been held back by high taxes and government intervention in virtually all aspects of our economy," Craig added.

After reviewing where the province was ten years ago with where it is today, the Province of Manitoba earned the following grades:

Economic Growth: C-

Manitoba has grown below the Canadian average over the past ten years. Less government intervention and lower taxes are needed in order to allow the economy to flourish.

Unemployment: A

Manitoba has had one of the lowest unemployment rates in the country since 1999. However, the departure of many job-seeking Manitobans have skewed the results.

Personal Income Taxes: F

On average, Manitobans pay some of the highest income tax rates in the country. Manitoba's low cost of living can only be enjoyed if people have money to spend.

Corporate Income Taxes: C+

Great progress has been made on the small business tax rate and the capital tax. More work needs to be done on the general rate and the M&P rate.

Dependency: D

Manitoba has never been more dependent on financial aid from AB, B.C., ON and SK. Young Manitobans can no longer joke about Saskatchewan being "the gap". We need their aid.

Debt: C-

Paying down the debt does not appear to be the "cool" thing to do for this government. Much more work is need in this area.

Spending: D

The Provincial Government has spent like a vintage Imelda Marcos over the last while. Unfortunately, the taxpayers of Manitoba have to fund their spending addiction.

"Some progress has been over the past ten years, but a lot of attention is required in the areas of income taxes and restraining the government's urge to be involved in everything from our personal finances to business," concluded Craig.
Full report available at by clicking here.

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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